The Non-Capital City Crossfire

November 6, 2021 23:00z - November 7, 2021 02:00z

Kelowna International Airport (CYLW)    Calgary International Airport (CYYC)

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Start Time

November 6, 2021 23:00z

End Time

November 7, 2021 02:00z

Departure Airport

  • Kelowna International Airport
  • CYLW

Arrival Airport

  • Calgary International Airport
  • CYYC

You've seen the Capital City Crossfire, how about the Non-Capital City Crossfire. To be honest, they are basically the same; staffed up airports, beautiful scenery, CZVR, and CZEG. But who cares!? Come and fly between Kelowna (CYLW) and Calgary (CYYC) between 2300z and 0200z. 



  Posted 17 November 2023 13:50 Zulu  •    Matthew Bleakney 1465914

The date of this event has been changed from October 10th, 2021 at 2300z-0200z to November 6th, 2021 at 2300z-0200z